POWER OF SALE! 124.40 Acres of land granite gravel pit property. The subject property has a class "A" pit and quarry licence from the Ontario Misnistry for 42 Acres which allows unlimted tonnes of material extracted annually. The road is asphalt paved allowing heavy trucks and machinery operation.
MLS# | X11920364 |
Listing Type | For Sale |
Sub-Type | Resale |
Status | New |
Days On Site | 26 |
Listing Provided By | CAPITAL NORTH REALTY CORPORATION | Not Provided |
SQ Feet | 5,418,864 |
Acreage | 124.40 |
State | ON |
County | Parry Sound |
City | Magnetawan |
Zip Code | P0A 1P0 |
Listing VS Median (in P0A 1P0) | |
Price: $599,900 low | high Med: $564,450 SqFt: 5,418,864 low | high Med: 2,710,047 $ / SqFt: $0 low | high Med: $215 On Site: 26 low | high Med: 107.500000 |